The story of Australia’s longest and perhaps most defining war has been kept silent – until now. Over three parts, this ground-breaking documentary series gives voice to the story of The Australian Wars – the battles fought on home soil, as the colonial frontier pushed forward, and First Nations peoples resisted.

The British claim to the Australian continent, that disregarded First Nations peoples’ sovereignty and their custodianship of country for thousands of years, set in train brutal conflicts that unfolded for more than 100 years. Over three episodes, Rachel Perkins journeys across the continent to explore the breadth of warfare, strategy, and forceful resistance that occurred. The lives of Aboriginal warriors, women and children, military men, governors, and settlers are illuminated as they grapple with the forces of war. It’s also an exploration of the here and now, the legacy of war, and how Australia today engages with this truth.

“The starting point is that this is not just an Indigenous story to tell...Because in any war there are different sides. So even though I’m an Aboriginal person, I didn’t just want to tell the Aboriginal side. Non-Indigenous Australians are bound up in this as well, we all live in this country together."

Rachel Perkins (Arrernte and Kalkadoon)

Education and Impact

In recognition of the documentary’s immense educational value, Blackfella Films and SBS Learn collaborated with Culture is Life and have produced extensive curriculum aligned resources for levels 10-12, freely accessible on Culture is Life’s website. Classroom ready short clips with aligned resources for Levels 9-12 can be accessed also on SBS Learn including essential Cultural Considerations for teachers before delivering in the classroom.

The Australian Wars Education Resources analyse the documentary, explore the ongoing impacts of colonisation and highlight historical perspectives. The resources will also provide an insight into the immense value that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander oral histories possess, with a focus on local history, and encourage schools to engage with their local communities for further learning opportunities.

Screenings and Events


Past Events

A Blackfella Films production, developed and produced in association with SBS Learn.

In association with Shark Island Foundation.

Education and Impact Project by Culture is Life.