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Teaching The Australian Wars: A conversation with Rachel Perkins and Culture is Life

About This Webinar

Join us as we talk to Director Rachel Perkins, and Culture is Life General Manager – Programs, Thara Brown about the award-winning documentary series The Australian Wars and accompanying education resources.

In recognition of the documentary’s immense educational value, Blackfella Films and SBS Learn have collaborated with Culture is Life, to publish curriculum-aligned education resources about the Frontier Wars.  You will learn about The Australian Wars education resources, how they are aligned to the Australian Curriculum and provide learning opportunities for students in Years 9-12. 

The webinar will make connections between First Nations oral histories as a fundamental part of Australia’s reconciliation journey, and in reconciliation in education.

When registering, attendees can ask Rachel and Thara a question about The Australian Wars series. These questions may be answered during the live webinar. 

Be sure to watch The Australian Wars documentary series before attending the webinar: 

This webinar is being recorded and may be available for public viewing in future. Upon registration, you are agreeing to be included in the recording.

Attendees are encouraged to engage with these reflection questions after the webinar: 

* What can all Australians learn from the oral histories of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples? Why is this learning important to our nation’s reconciliation journey? 
* What is truth-telling, and what is the relationship between truth-telling, historical acceptance and healing within Australia’s reconciliation journey? 
* How do you think Australia, as a nation, can commemorate First Nations leaders and historical events that include the frontier wars? 
* Reflect on whose perspective our historical events have been recorded. How does that reflect on our shared national identity? 
* How can engaging with the Australian Wars documentary series help with your teaching and learning the true histories of Australia. 
* What are your next most meaningful steps in your learning, unlearning and relearning about Australia’s true histories?

Australian Wars Education Resources:
Culture is Life: See
SBS Learn:

When: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 · 4:00 p.m. · Sydney

Duration: 1 hour

Language: English

Who can attend? Anyone with the event link can attend

Dial-in available? (listen only): No

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